Kambo Spirit

IAKP Teacher & Kambo Practitioner


I express my admiration and thanks to Professor Chris Shaw and members of the Queen's University Belfast research team whose thinking and wisdom lead to the award-winning Kambo peptide research.

To the indigenous people, the tribes of Shipibo, Ticuna, Nukini, Matses, Yawanawa, Huni Kuin, Katukina, shaman, paje, curanderos, guardians of nature and keepers of wisdom from Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia and to my family in Peru and my Maestro brother deep in Amazon jungle. To the master plants, jaguar, hummingbird, condor, boa, father sky and mother earth.

I also want to thank the many spiritual teachers and authors from whom I have learned so much. They include: Carlos Castenada, Dr Stephen Beyer, Jed Mckenna ;), Alan Watts, Terrence McKenna, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj.

I owe special appreciation to Karen Darke, founder of the International Association of Kambo Practitioners who in the Washington, US provided me with what I strongly believe to the best Kambo Practitioner training available today.

I also want to give credit and recognition to the many other IAKP Practitioners worldwide.

I wish also to thank the participants of all my Kambo ceremonies for their open mindedness, courage and feedback which has helped immensely refine of my skills.

I thank Jennifer my partner for her love and to my children and close friends for their continued support.

And finally, thank you to the Spirit of Kambo.

Kambo Spirit

IAKP Kambo Teacher



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The Spirit of Kambo. Haux Haux!

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I offer the safe provision of Kambo as a highly-trained IAKP Advanced Practitioner with a purpose to serve your needs. Kambo is not to be approached lightly, nor in ignorance or disregard for contraindications and your own safety. Please do not avoid clinical diagnosis, conventional medical practice, tests, assessments and procedures.

international association of kambo practitioners