Kambo Spirit

IAKP Teacher & Kambo Practitioner

Kambo Treatments

Who Can't Take Kambo?

Kambo has no known detrimental side effects so when it is responsibly administered it is completely safe.  There are very few people who cannot take it but this is not an exhaustive list so please let me know beforehand if you have serious health problems. Treatment cannot be given to those who are or have had:

The following may not safely take Kambô:

  • People with serious heart problems
  • People who have had a stroke
  • People on medication for low blood pressure (this is extremely rare)
  • People who’ve had a brain hemorrhage
  • People who have aneurysms or blood clots
  • People who lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo
  • People with serious mental health problems excluding depression and anxiety
  • People undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for 4 – 6 weeks afterward
  • People who take immune-suppressants for an organ transplant
  • Women who are pregnant or may be so
  • Women who are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old
  • People with Addison’s disease
  • People with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
  • People with current and severe Epilepsy
  • Are recovering from a major surgical procedure
  • Under 18
  • Animals


Caution is also required in the following cases:

  • People taking immune-suppressants for auto immune disorders.
  • Active drug or alcohol addiction.
  • Long term or water fasting for 7 days before or after Kambo other than the required fasting.
  • Colonics, Enemas, liver flushes or any water based detox should be avoided within 3 days either side of
    taking Kambo.
  • If someone has taken Bufo 5-MeO-DMT within 28 days.
  • Oesophagus/Esophagus Rupture

Because Kambo can cause violent vomiting we need to have some caution around certain conditions that could weaken the Oesophagus/Esophagus. These do not necessarily preclude you from experiencing Kambo but it is advisable to make sure to let your Practitioner know if you have been affected with any of the following:

  • Boerhaave’s Syndrome (spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus)
  • Severe injury, or trauma to the Oesophagus/Esophagus from endoscopy, or injury to the neck.
  • Tumours, or Ulcers in the throat
  • Those who have or have had bulimia
  • Gastro-intestinal Reflux
  • Chronic inflammatory response syndrome due to mold exposure
  • Untreated eosinophilic esophagitis
  • Oesophagus/Esophagus Varices
  • Portal Hypertension


Due to the large intake of water consumed during a Kambo treatment, the body's electrolyte balance can be disturbed. Therefore it is important to rest, eat and drink afterwards to bring the body back into balance and allow it to restore homeostasis.

It is imperative that a client does NOT consume more than 5 litres of water during a session due to the risk of Hyponatremia.
How to prepare for your Kambo session:

Please do not eat solid foods, drink alcohol or take recreational drugs for 8 hours before treatment.
Fluids are ok including light fruit or herbal teas.
Do you not consume more than 2 litres of liquid before treatment.
You will be required to drink an additional 2 litres of water directly before I apply your points.
People attending should wear layered, loose clothing.

If you asthma please bring you inhaler. If you are diabetic please bring extra food, insulin and your test strips.

Please ensure you have something comfortable to sit on such as a cushion or pillow, a blanket and warm clothing and also 2 litres of water. The water is for drinking directly before I apply the Kambo points.

Before treatment starts I will talk and explain all aspects of kambo and what to expect.
After completing and signing off a treatment sheet I will initially provide a Kambo test point on each person to be treated. The purpose of this is just to check for an adverse reaction. It is extremely rare and in 99% of cases I can then go ahead with the full treatment.

The Kambo I offer is known as Acaté. I personally source it from an elder Matsés (Jaguar Tribe) master shaman and hunter who resides in the remote rainforest village of Nuevo San Juan on the Peruvian side of the Galvez River. I go to great lengths to ensure the Kambo I source is 100% ethical. This means a full respect for the frog when harvesting and also that funds go directly back to Matsés peoples to help with essential items like petrol for river travel, machettes and tools, clothing and school books for children.

Kambo Spirit

IAKP Kambo Teacher



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The Spirit of Kambo. Haux Haux!

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I offer the safe provision of Kambo as a highly-trained IAKP Advanced Practitioner with a purpose to serve your needs. Kambo is not to be approached lightly, nor in ignorance or disregard for contraindications and your own safety. Please do not avoid clinical diagnosis, conventional medical practice, tests, assessments and procedures.

international association of kambo practitioners